Our Contribution to a Better Future
At Betterposter, we deeply care about the environment. That’s why we operate using 100% green energy and print our posters sustainably on high-quality, FSC-certified paper.
This certification guarantees responsible forest management in accordance with international standards. Products bearing the FSC seal come from forests that are managed in an environmentally friendly, socially beneficial, and economically sustainable way.
What This Means for You
When you purchase a product from us, you can be assured that local laws are followed and that the rights of workers and affected indigenous communities are respected. Local communities benefit from fair collaboration, fair wages, and safe working conditions.
FSC-certified forests are managed in a way that ensures their preservation for future generations, while sensitive ecosystems and endangered species are particularly protected from harmful impacts. Additionally, all FSC-certified forests follow clear management plans, which are regularly reviewed and adjusted to ensure their long-term sustainability.
Understanding FSC Labels
FSC Recycled
Products with the FSC Recycled label are made from 100% recycled materials, meaning no new wood was used in their production.
These products contain materials from FSC-certified forests, recycled sources, or controlled sources. At least 70% of the materials used come from recycled or FSC-certified sources.
FSC 100%
Products labeled FSC 100% are made entirely from FSC-certified forests, ensuring that all the wood used was sourced sustainably in accordance with FSC standards.
What’s Next?
We would, of course, appreciate your support and a purchase from our shop, but we also encourage you to explore the following organizations to learn more about how we can all contribute to a better world for both people and wildlife. We hope this information has been helpful!
FSC-International: Visit Website
WWF-International: Visit Website
Bread for the World: Visit Website